2007年11月15日 星期四

Tests Anxiety

In the middle and final test, I seem to get sick. In another words, that’s called tests anxiety. Why do I have such anxiety? How do test anxiety work? Let's say we're worried about tests because we’re afraid of doing bad grades. Or maybe ones who like having high pass. When you're feeling worried and tense, your whole body can be affected. Moreover, focusing on bad things can make us more worried. When feeling worse, we’re unable to concentrate.

Often we don’t know what test anxiety is or what makes anxiety happen. In fact, test anxiety is actually a type of performance anxiety. Performance anxiety is when we feel worried about how to perform such as having games or tests. We can do some steps to lesson anxiety. For example, we could ask for help, be prepared, expect the best, block bad thoughts, and accept mistakes. After following these steps, however, we should take care of ourselves. In order to having good grades, we should have enough playtime, sleep, and nutritious food at first. This is important all the time I think.

In the end, tests anxiety isn’t all duty to our bad grades in my mind. In fact, little anxiety can be helpful, keeping us focused. But when we're so anxious about feeling sick, we might not be able to do your best. Of course, if we didn't study for the test, we are bound to be worried. Because most tests are good for us, no matter what we want to do, however, we should pass tests.

1 則留言:

Carolyn 提到...

I think this writing is excellent, I agree your point.